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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/12/2008
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
May 12, 2008

Members present:  Chairman Robert Mann, Dawn Marshall, Zack Boyajian and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Recreation Master Plan  Ansel Sanborn, Recreation Commission

Mr. Sanborn presented the Commission with those findings of the Recreation Master Plan public forums.  The information was gathered in three manners; resident survey, school survey and a public forum on December 1, 2007.  

The resident survey was conducted in 2005 with two priorities:
-Hiking trails
-Pond and river water access

The school survey produced the following priorities:
        -Permanent Restrooms at Carpenter Park
        -Playground equipment
        -Swimming Pool
        -Lighted fields
        -Pond and river water access

The Public Forum produced the following priorities in each of three focus groups:

        Group I                         Group II                                Group III
        -Awareness                              -Awareness                              -Multi-purpose field
        -Community Center                       -Lighted Playground                     -Trail Info & Signage
        -Open Space                             -Expanded Fields                        -Trail from CP to School
        -Fields                                 -Swimming Pool                  -Lighting
        -Ice Skating                            -Swings                         -Maintenance
        -Lighted Fields                 -Bathrooms                              -Handicap Access

All of the above noted priorities were grouped and prioritized as follows:

        -Awareness, Information, Communication
        -Water Access (Ponds, Rivers, Pool)
        -Additional and/or expanded lighted playing fields
        -Additional trails and open space areas
        -Carpenter Park enhancements; playground equipment, bathrooms, handicap access
        -Community Center

The preceding priorities are being reported back to the School Board, Conservation Commission, and the Chichester Youth Association to formulate a common set of priorities and develop methods of completing these projects at little to no cost to the community.  A draft Recreation Master Plan is due to be prepared for early June.

The Conservation Commission pledged its alliance with efforts to preserve open-space and expand passive recreation areas.
Minutes and Correspondence

The minutes of April 14, 2008 were reviewed and corrections were made.  A motion was made by Ms. Marshall and seconded by Mr. Boyajian to approve the minutes as corrected.  Motion Passes.

Amy Heiser of the Pembroke Conservation Commission has approached the CCC about joining together in Conservation efforts.

Mr. Andrews reported via e-mail to the Commission the following:

The easement monitoring is done and the reports filed.  No violations were noted.  The Beaver dam is back on Marsh Pond and the beavers’ dam is away from the old dam concrete footing by about four feet.  The pond level is about 2 feet lower than full pond.

The Plummer photos were taken and the baseline documentation report is complete.

The final comments were sent to VHB on the high-value wetlands study.

The Commission members discussed methods of filling the vacancies on the Board.

A motion was made by Ms. Marshall and seconded by Mr. Boyajian to adjourn the meeting at 9:50pm.

The next meeting of the Commission will be on June 9, 2008.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary

Robert Mann, Chairman           Approved As Corrected